Felt Scrap Jingle Wreath Ornaments

It's fabric art week over on Instagram and my idea well seemed to have run dry, until it occurred to me that felt counts and we love felt! We've got gobs of that stuff in the trusty old fabric bin, so I grabbed all of the colors I could find and piled it on the table hoping the perfect felt art idea would just come to us if we stared at it. Kinley grabbed her scissors and started chopping a pink scrap into tiny squares and it hit me -- string those babies together and make a wreath! Even better, a wreath ornament!! (Christmas mania is in full swing over here. The halls are decked, the trees are up and decorated and Christmas movies are on a loop every second of everyday 😍)

Didn't they turn out cool? These little tree decorations couldn't be simpler and you could definitely make them a little more traditional with a different color scheme. We just can't stop with the bright colors and rainbows!

What do you think? Wanna give it a go? All of the instructions are over on my blog, RaisingKinley.com, for you!

Happy creating!

xo Cara @raising.kinley

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