Best of Smocks: Feathers Art

Has there ever been a more perfect theme for an art challenge than feathers the week before Thanksgiving?! Our host Lisa from @theartgardenblog did one heck of a job inspiring and cheering on and there was so much feathery goodness over on @smocks.on -- I have no idea how she narrowed down all of that fly...and she did it all from Disney World 😍 Thank you, thank you, thank you, L!

And, now, without further ado, let's get down to the best of Feathers Art round-up.

If you see a project you love and want more info about, just click on the picture and it will take you straight to the original smockstar's post for directions from the deets. Let's do this!

How funky is this chicken?! You should see all of the other amazing feather projects our hostess with the mostess and her little artsy ladies came up with -- click the pic!

Feathers inside an ornament? We are SO trying this this Christmas!! Gorgeous, right?

Nicole and her kiddos used feathers for paintbrushes and the results are stunning, aren't they? You have to see the adorable turkeys they made with their process-y rainbow art.

The prettiest little Thanksgiving banner I ever did see, how 'bout you?

All of these textures...if you think this gorgeous owl is good, you should see all of the others Julie's little art kiddos made!

Feather-breathing dragons -- absolutely perfect!

Is there anything you can't make with an egg carton? These little birdies stole our hearts!

Classic hand turkeys are the perfect pre-Thanksgiving feather craft, and these from Luisa and her girls are some of the prettiest ever made.

Have you ever heard of painting feathers with Do-A-Dot markers? Me neither. AMAZING!!

Feathers were made to be unicorn manes! How did we not see this before?! Genius.

Rebekah and her ultra-cute little ladybugs got to work chopping and building and came up with these heart-eye inducing feather-and-straw forest sculptures.

Have you ever seen a sweeter set of napkin rings?! That fam is gonna flip at their feast 😍

This sweet little guy is made of 100% recycled treasure! Isn't he adorbs?! And, bonus, he moves!

There ya have it friends! All of the shiniest Feather Art stars in a neat little bundle for ya. If you are looking for some more fan-feather-tastic art ideas, head over to our Pinterest page. We've rounded up some really cool inspo over there, too, and I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for. Our new theme on the InstaChallege this week is YELLOW ART! Hope we'll see you over there!

Happy creating (and Thanksgiving, American friends!)
xo Cara

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